Ecodesign wood burners given green light in Government's latest Clean Air Strategy
Despite what you may have heard to the contrary, on Monday Defra published its long-awaited Clean Air Strategy (14.01.19) which clearly recognises that all wood burning is not the same and confirms that the latest Ecodesign stoves will play a central role in their plans to reduce emissions from domestic combustion. The Strategy does NOT ban wood burning stoves. The Government's own statistics have indicated that nationally 40% of wood is burnt on polluting open fires and that this rises to 70% in London, despite the fact that burning wood on an open fire is not permitted in a Smoke Control Area (virtually all UK urban areas). Independent tests confirm that Ecodesign stoves, which feature improved burn technology, produce 90% fewer emissions than an open fire and 80% fewer emissions than a stove manufactured some 10 years ago. Putting this into context, Government data also puts road transport as the largest contributor to nitrogen oxide pollution, which is one of the causes of respiratory conditions such as asthma (including smog and acid rain). So unlike buying a new car, when buying a new stove the Government's message is very clear, choose an emissions-friendly Ecodesign stove and use Ready to Burn logs so that you can feel confident about doing your bit for your local air quality. The Stove Industry Alliance (SIA), of which The Stove Yard / Hi-Flame are founding members, has issued a press release to coincide with the Clean Air Strategy and you can read this here (.pdf). You can also read the whole of the Clean Air Strategy here.
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